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发布:2017/08/251,277 views

橙色的锋隐刀架围绕地球旋转一周,向着中国的方向下降,(中国地图逐渐放大),然后向着上海的方向下降(上海标志性建筑逐渐清晰),最后降落在上海。同时屏幕下方打出一行字“Fusion to be launched in China since Nov-1st,2010”

字幕:90 days before Fusion launch
镜头转向位于世界各地的工厂,在世界地图上用英语标注出Poland(波兰)、Malaysia(马来西亚)、U.S.A.(美国)(美国不确定有没有,我先写在这里了),并在该国国土范围内画上一个工厂的标示。然后镜头分别微距到3个忙碌的工厂(在屏幕下方分别注明In Poland, In Malaysia, In U.S.A.),每个工厂流水线都很繁忙,一个个产品整齐排列着生产出来,在流水线的指示牌上显示“Capacity: FULL”(用红色的字体强调FULL)。三个工厂都是如此。
镜头转向上海办公室场景,一群人围坐在会议桌前讨论,投影仪上显示“Fusion Work Plan”,以下内容依次从大家口中说出’CBD Engagement’, ‘OSD Design’, ‘Sampling Pack’, ‘In Store Execution’, ‘ISC Training’, ‘Paint Store Orange’, ‘DMC Coverage’, ‘Awareness Building’, ‘Trial Drive’, 最后一个头上带有“Planner”标志的人说出“Inventory pre-building to secure New Initiative CFR???”这句话被逐渐放大,强调。接着大家又经过了一轮激烈的讨论,进而得出以下结论:Pre-build 4 months inventory。最后所有人都露出了满意的笑容。然后转入繁忙的工作中,只见桌上的文件一个个被打上红色的√(打√同时用红色显示“Done”),然后被完成的文件越垒越高。

字幕:60 days before Fusion launch
飞机,轮船上一个个刀架整齐的躺在机舱或者船舱内,从世界各地来到上海的仓库(上海仓库的牌子用英文写:SH DC),然后用汽车从上海仓库(即SH DC)运送到包装厂,包装厂内工人用手工给这些动画产品贴上中文的标签,中文标签上突出汉字“锋隐”,之后货物又从包装厂运回到上海仓库,并从上海仓库汽运发往全国各地的其他仓库(在地图上标注出其他仓库的位置:西安,天津,广州,成都,沈阳,南京,长沙)。微距到某一个仓库,只见货物被铲车一排排垒上去,在仓库的上部有一条醒目的红线,上面写着:Target Inventory,随着日历被一天天撕去,仓库内的库存逐渐增高,并且超过了那条写着Target Inventory的线。底下字幕显示100% D-5 readiness in RDC level.

字幕:SOS day

办公室内顶着Planner,MS&P,Demand Planner, Deliver team, FA头衔的人都进入了一个叫做“Fusion Commercial Center”的房间内围坐在会议桌前开始讨论,以下文字从大家口中依次蹦出:Trial success, In store success, Customer feedback, Future Order Outlook, 最后Fusion Success Launch被强调和放大,接着Emergent Replenishment也被强调放大。
顶着Planner头衔的女孩们在疯狂的忙碌着,有的在和仓库(DC)的人联系补货,仓库的人员也在加班加点忙碌着安排装货,运输和卸货;有的在打电话,接电话,发邮件(电话的另一端和邮件的另一端连着新加坡(Singapore),马来西亚(Malaysia),波兰(Poland),美国(U.S.A.)),以下内容在她们的口中弹出:urgent production,air-shipment,arrive China,Customization…;有的在全球范围内开始了货源大搜索,香港(HK)的货源被联系到,时间在流逝,窗外太阳升起又落下,月亮出来了,星星出来了,这种辛苦的flash动画场景不断被重复着。
逐渐锋隐的库存从下降状态回到了上升状态。一个手拉手,肩并肩,大联合的图片在供应链团体(即PS Community)大融合的背景下被展现出来,包括顶着以下头衔的人们:Category Supply Planner, DRPer, Transportation, Warehouse, Customization Team, CBL, Customization Agency。

Fusion over-delivered booklet in month 1 with shipment of 138MSU, index 145 vs. SOP.
Early Sell-through results are highly encouraging in top customers.
Banner Wal-mart Carrefour Watson’s Wu-mart
Fusion val. share 16% 22% 29% 16%
Fusion % Mach3 38% 52% 75% 38%
Gillette B&R Value Share N.A. N.A. 87% 96%
Fusion made November a HIGHEST LEVEL of both premium line and total Gillette B&R in China history.
FYTD, Fusion results contributed to make China Gillette achieve
– The fastest growth among global Gillette
– No.2 fastest growing category in P&G Greater China
The PS team swiftly acted to fulfill the big upside
An ensured urgent supply from HK, Malaysia and Poland with record-fast speed, which helped to turn around the supply situation.
For the shipment from HK to Shanghai, it only took 2 weeks from decision making to RDC deployment which is historical short vs. the normal 3 months lead-time.
然后字幕出现: To Be Continue
Improve CBD bottom up feedback process and pipeline FCST accuracy
1)1month after BPM deployment, MS&P take the responsibility to collect all CBD feedback and share in S&OP meeting (Owner: MS&P, Ongoing)
2)Any funding/ scope change after LPA, need go through change management in system (Owner: Brand team, Ongoing)
3)Improve the M1 pipeline forecast accuracy – take the sufficient learning from previous initiative launch and revise the assumption model. (Owner: DP and MS&P)
a)By Channel assumption
b)Hero skus vs. non-Hero skus assumption
c)Minimum order quantity principle (66,000 IT for B&R; 5000 cases for MSPC) into future new initiative pipeline forecast.
Review and revise the inventory pre-build strategy
In order to improve NI launch customer service level, inventory pre-build strategy need to be revised base on the different supply chains.
1)For Global constrained SKUs, pre-build 200% of M1 FCST
2)For Remote sourcing SKUs, pre-build 200% of M1 FCST
3)For local souring SKUs, pre-build 150% of M1 FCST
Above will be aligned and built in operation strategy. (Owner: PS, Ongoing)

最后谢幕环节:白色的须泡中,锋隐刀架划过,显示出Fusion successfully launch in CN!重点强调successfully launch

电 话:021-6055 4239   手 机:139 1798 9226   QQ:849 500 115

地址:上海市-青浦区-崧泽大道6066号(尚之坊创意产业园)3号楼M03室 (邮 编:201700)

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